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‘With finite resources, it is indispensable to shift towards Green solutions’ : Alok Hada

By Mohit Manghani | May 19, 2020

In these testing Covid-19 times, businesses and individuals are going the extra mile to decimate the impact of the pandemic. In doing so, one critical problem companies are facing is managing business continuity. As organisations look to turn current challenges into a competitive advantage, business continuity plans are being tested and reworked every day given.

In an exclusive interview with Retail4Growth, Alok Hada, Director, Anusha Technovision Pvt. Ltd, Home automation company in Mumbai, shares why firms would need to adapt to green solutions in the new normal, and much more

Alok Hada1. What does business continuity mean to you? How would you define it?

Business continuity is a business’ or organization’s ability to ensure that their operations and core business functions are not severely compromised by any economic slowdown or disaster.

2. Has the current situation forced you to take a harder look at biz continuity? Does it help you prepare better for the future?

Business Continuity helps us ensure that we can create a sustainable business model that creates a system of prevention and recovery of assets from potential threats to a company. The current situation has definitely made us re-evaluate our expenses and the need to stay trim and nimble as a company.

3. Can you share some measures you have taken towards ensuring continuity in your business?

We’ve ensured that at this time, we continue to keep our lines of communication while also ensuring that our work is carried out digitally. We have also taken this time to explore commercial solutions with regards to automation, where we can fully explore its potential for everyday usage, especially in public spaces. Through the means of webinars, we are doing talks and discussions that a number of our customers – who never had the time earlier, are now participating in.

4. Technology obviously is inevitable in biz continuity plans. How do you leverage it for your business?

One of the few things that is certain to happen once the pandemic is over is the beginning of digital or web meetings- instead of “in-person” meetings. This will reduce costs and increase efficiency overall. Measures to lower expenses will become a focus and since Lighting control saves energy, we expect at least the corporate clients to be even more receptive to automation.

5. Sustainability and continuity are closely linked. Going forward do you think there is going to be a greater focus on sustainability in this industry? What are your own plans in this regard?

Sustainability and continuity go hand in hand, on an industry-level perspective and also on a grassroots level. Our resources are finite and they’re only depleting. On top of this, we’re heading towards a phasewhere countries will focus on creating a self-sustaining, national economy. Hence it will be essential to focus on “Green Buildings” even more. This means more efficient use of energy in space such as in major energy-consuming requirements of air-conditioning and in lighting.

6. End of the day business is about people. How do you ensure that the concept of biz continuity seeps into the working culture and staff mindset?

It is important to ensure business continuity by identifying the key functions and creating drilling scenarios that force the employees to deploy risk and mitigation strategies. It’s also essential to ensure that the employees get a say in creating strategies that help the organization function even in the direst circumstances and ensures that the livelihoods of the employees and other attached individuals aren’t compromised.

It is essential for the staff and the management to collaborate and identify the core functions of the company. This will ensure that the employees also have a say in the deployment of risk and mitigation strategies and have a more active role in helping the organization function in any circumstance whatsoever. This will also go on to ensure that the livelihoods and safety of the employees aren’t compromised.


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