Friday, February 14, 2025


Patanjali revamps its store experience

Vjmedia Works | June 09, 2017

The Ayurved FMCG magnet gives close attention to store experiences and premium signages.

Delivering services through retail store formats such as Patanjali Arogya Kendra, Patanjali Chikitsalaya and Patanjali Mega Store, Patanjali Ayurved Limited (PAL) has recently revamped its store experiences through updating a few shopper marketing and in-store elements. Around 3000 stores across the country became part of the renovation process.

Pratima Kumari, Marketing Manager, PAL, shared with Retail4growth, “There was a need to revamp these stores as there was no uniformity in any of these. Multiple erratic branding could be observed which negated enriched shopper experience. Hence, for a better shopper experiences, revamp of PAK & PC was carried out as a need to enhance visibility thru homogeneous communication at the exterior of the store.” Patanjali also opted for premium signages for exclusive stores. These backlit signages used substrate which was ACP board with acrylic letters, with brand ambassadors image and logo engraved in it.

“This was a mammoth project which was carried out in 45 days’ time only from recce to execution nationally,” Kumari added. Ninja LED, Aludécor- ACP and LG majorly helped PAL to coin the revamped experience.


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